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Managing your Pending Posts

Learn how to schedule, AutoSchedule, view, and edit your pending posts

How to schedule social messages

Social doesn’t sleep, but you do. So whether you’re a startup, mid-size business or a global corporation, there are always times when you can’t be on your mobile device or computer to be active online. To stay on top of your growing social audience, sprinkle in some scheduled messages and let Hootsuite share the load.

Here’s How:

  1. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter? Personal or business? All of the above? Pick what social channels and profiles you want to send your message out to by selecting them in the profile picker.

  2. Type your social message in the compose box.

  3. Click the calendar icon in the bottom right of the compose box.

  4. In the calendar drop down set the date and time you want to send your message (double check AM/PM)

  5. Click the Send Now button. Poof! Message scheduled.

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AutoSchedule your social messages

Can’t decide when to schedule your social? Want to spread out a handful of Tweets? Use Hootsuite’s AutoSchedule feature to schedule your messages for you, based on optimal tweet times. We’ll help you spread out your messaging to make the most of your content.

Here’s how:

  1. Just like scheduling a message, choose your social networks first.

  2. Type your social message in the compose box.

  3. Click the calendar icon.

  4. In the drop down menu, the AutoSchedule feature is set to OFF. Turn it ON.

  5. Press AutoSchedule. Boom. Done.

Viewing and editing your scheduled message

Where’d all those scheduled messages go? Want to edit any of them after the fact or delete one altogether? Don’t worry, we’re one step ahead of you.

Here’s How:

  1. On the left-hand side of your dashboard, Click the Publisher icon.

  2. Click the Scheduled button

  3. In here, you can view and edit any message that you’ve scheduled simply by hovering over the message and clicking the edit icon.

  4. This will open up an Edit Scheduled Message window where you can make and save your changes.

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