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8 Social Media Tips for Financial Services

Finance industry-specific best practices for implementing social media

A McKinsey Global Institute study estimated that social technologies could contribute up to $423 billion in value annually in consumer financial services.Social media humanizes customer service, brings businesses closer to their stakeholders, and makes information more accessible to the knowledge workers who are the heart of any financial services organization.But to reap the rewards of social, you need to embrace it intelligently, following best practices for the financial services industry.Our exclusive white paper on 8 Social Media Tips for Financial Services outlines the path to social success for financial services organizations with 8 practical tips, including:

  • Tracking social ROI to know how your social strategy contributes to revenue, customer loyalty, and other targets

  • Encouraging your social teams to distribute new learning seamlessly—both within the team and your organization as a whole

  • Monitoring for social mentions of your organization—the good, the bad and the ugly—and responding appropriately

To learn more about implementing social media within your financial services organization, just fill in the form on the right side of this page, and you’ll get instant access to 8 Social Media Tips for Financial Services.

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